
Evergreen a specialist in the design, development and manufacture of guards/grills that are used on fans, blowers, air circulators and other ventilation products. With more than 10 years of experience in manufacturing high quality guards, we can custom make a guard that is perfect for your application. Whether it's large or small, commercial or industrial, we can build it to suit your individual needs. We can also customize some other wire fabrication products, like baskets, hooks, shelf, racks and etc.

Evergreen offers a complete line of guards/grill to take care of your fans,blowers,

air circulators and other ventilation products. Our facility is capable of making guards/grills of various type and complexity. Our products are exported to United States, Canada, Australia and Europe. Our customers are always satisfied with our exceptional and unique designs, reliable quality, competitive prices and fast delivery.

With over 10 years experience in dealing with customers abroad, our skilled workers,

experienced and qualified engineers, responsible managers and inspectors in quality, professional persons in trade and logistics all serve you with our intelligence and capability in accordance with your requirements, standards and comments for your purpose. We would also be happy to offer our creative suggestions in order to reduce your cost and improve your efficiency.


烟台家庭管家洗来乐服务范围:1、家政保洁:新家开荒保洁,家庭日常清洁。2、家电清洗:智能家电的清洗、保养、养护。3、空气治理:新房除甲醛,新风系统的维护与清洁。4、家居美容:家具翻新,地板翻新、家居贴膜。5、家庭维修:水电安装及维修。6、搬家服务。7、全屋净水系统 预约电话:13465350407